We have all met the entrepreneur that does a little bit of everything but a lot of nothing. We have all felt overwhelmed with where we are headed professionally. Sometimes it is so easy to get lost in the day to day hustle that we lose focus on what our true goals are. Well when we are faced with
these things how do we find focus? A wise man once said "A goal not written down is just a wish". Here are 3 things that every entrepreneur and goal chasers need to have written down.
1. Mission Statement
Every business needs a mission statement. Entrepreneur Magazine defines a mission statement as a sentence describing a company's function, markets and competitive advantages: a short written statement of your business goals and philosophies. Your mission statement should be a sentence that describes what you do, how you do it, and who you do it for. Many small business owners feel they are too small for a mission statement. FALSE!!!!! I personally think the smaller the business the more important your mission statement is. It is much easier for small business to not create a niche market because of no mission statement. How do you know what new products fit your brand. For example when the neighborhood family restaurant starts doing waitress in sexy referee outfits for Sunday football games. That may be perfect for a sports bar but not too comfortable for the kids and wives at a family restaurant. Your mission statement keeps you on track with your brand. Whenever you feel lost or need to add product or services, refer to your mission statement to make sure it is a good fit.
2. Life GoalsIts really hard to get anywhere in life when you don't know exactly where you are supposed to be going. Writing down your life goals gives you daily direction. You need to write down your life goals then make plans on how to reach those goals and how long it will take. For example: I want to lose 10 pounds by February 1st and I will reach this by eating better and increasing my daily cardio. I suggest even writing down long term goals and breaking down the smaller steps to achieve them. Example: I want an income of $100k per year by 2020, I will accomplish this by finishing my degree, look for internships in my field with companies I could learn hands on from, and meet with my current boss about promotional opportunities at my current job. Keep in mind goals must have plans!!!!
3. A To Do List Based Off Of Weekly Goals
We all know that it is a great idea to have a daily to do list. The important element is what is the to do list based off of. Reading Stephen Covey's 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People was a game changer for me. His example of the time management 4 Quadrants was the most on point description of how a typical business day goes and how you can be busy every day but not be accomplishing your goals. Quadrants 3 and 4 are obvious distractions and goofing off, but Quadrants 1 and 2 are both urgent and important. Quadrant 1 is Urgent and Important. Things such as phone calls, paying bills, meetings etc. Stephen Covey goes on to make the point that growth and truly reaching your goals comes from mastering how to prioritize Quadrant 2 items such as networking, physical fitness, development, and planning. After reading the book for the 3rd time and in search of a to do list I could have on my phone I the Week Plan app. The app is based off of the 4 Quadrant theory in The 7 habits of Highly Effective People book. In the app you write out all your roles in life such as : business, parent, friend, fitness, etc. Then you right goals for each role. Then finally you make your to do list based off of your goals and each item can be listed as important or important urgent so that you can keep focus on what you are getting accomplished daily. The app has been available thru Androids Google Play and has recently been made available in the Apple Store.
Life happens and we shouldn't beat ourselves up for getting off course at times. The important thing is to make sure we are writing our goals down so we always have a reference. Make sure you don't become the online boutique selling cellular phones and car insurance by having a mission statement that defines your business and what it is that your business does. Any goal chaser and entrepreneur can tell you things can get very hectic, the key is putting things in place to stay focus!By Juan "Don Juan Cardova" Braxton
For Don Style Solutions