Over the last couple of years branding has been a key function in the marketing field. We all recognize large brands like Starbucks, Coca Cola, McDonalds, etc., but the question I pose for small business owners is, does your personal brand hurt your company brand?
I think it is safe to say that most business owners recognize the importance of their business having a strong recognizable brand. The irony is how many of those same owners do not recognize how their personal brand effects their company brand. According to the article "The First Step To Building Your Personal Brand" on Forbes website states that your personal brand is about who you are and what it is that you want to be known for. The problem I often encounter with small business owners is making sure that the owners personal brand is cohesive to the company brand. For example, the owner of a high end retail store tweeting about how awful it is that name brands charge so much. This is the same owner that owns a business that sells these expensive name brands. Another example is the owner of a non profit that works with inner city kids having a reputation for calling people hood rats or other derogatory comments that reference a negative image of people from the inner city. The most common conflict in personal brand I've seen with small business owners is their personal image. Looking the part is crucial for your personal brand and it is very important that it speaks to your company brand. When you show up to a board meeting, the business owner needs to look like an owner.
It is clear that small business owners must be aware that even away from the business, what is thought of their personal brand directly impacts the company brand. The interesting point is that the smaller the business the more the owner's personal brand is under scrutiny. Owners must be aware of the content they put on social media. What may seem like just a tweet or InstaGram post could actually be doing the company brand harm. Having a reputation that directly conflicts with your business may be why the business is not growing. In the age of relaxed office dress codes owners still need to be aware of when and where relaxed dress is appropriate. As hard as owners work on their company brand, I hope they are equally aware of their personal brand.
I think it is safe to say that most business owners recognize the importance of their business having a strong recognizable brand. The irony is how many of those same owners do not recognize how their personal brand effects their company brand. According to the article "The First Step To Building Your Personal Brand" on Forbes website states that your personal brand is about who you are and what it is that you want to be known for. The problem I often encounter with small business owners is making sure that the owners personal brand is cohesive to the company brand. For example, the owner of a high end retail store tweeting about how awful it is that name brands charge so much. This is the same owner that owns a business that sells these expensive name brands. Another example is the owner of a non profit that works with inner city kids having a reputation for calling people hood rats or other derogatory comments that reference a negative image of people from the inner city. The most common conflict in personal brand I've seen with small business owners is their personal image. Looking the part is crucial for your personal brand and it is very important that it speaks to your company brand. When you show up to a board meeting, the business owner needs to look like an owner.
It is clear that small business owners must be aware that even away from the business, what is thought of their personal brand directly impacts the company brand. The interesting point is that the smaller the business the more the owner's personal brand is under scrutiny. Owners must be aware of the content they put on social media. What may seem like just a tweet or InstaGram post could actually be doing the company brand harm. Having a reputation that directly conflicts with your business may be why the business is not growing. In the age of relaxed office dress codes owners still need to be aware of when and where relaxed dress is appropriate. As hard as owners work on their company brand, I hope they are equally aware of their personal brand.